Projects and libraries I've built for learning, fun, and use in real world projects.
Over the years, I've built a number of libraries and apps as part of my learning joruney and also to scratch my own itches. Below are open source ones I'm proud of.
Voice AMA
Voice Ask Me Anything app. Built with the WebRecorder API, Next.js, Prisma, TypeScript, Tailwind, React Query, and Cloudinary.
A paperless queue management system for running on a Raspberry Pi to make waiting in line more orderly.
Stateless CLI tool to easily pin CAR files to IPFS pinning services. Client for the IPFS Pinning Service API that speaks HTTP and Bitswap.
Aragon Notification Service
A notification service that allows users to subscribe to Ethereum events and receieve email notifications. Built with Node.js and implements email based passwordless logins
Universal Connectivity
Realtime decentralised chat built with libp2p and GossipSub showing ubiquitous peer-to-peer connectivity between multiple programming languages (Go, Rust, TypeScript) and runtimes (Web, native binary) using QUIC, WebRTC and WebTransport
An real-world example of a REST API backed by a PostgreSQL database for grading students. Built with TypeScript, Hapi, Prisma, and PostgreSQL intended as an educational project for teaching Prisma